Sunday 27 May 2012

Daphne got interviewed for an Australian programme and they used footage of my collection!

Sunday 13 May 2012

ARTS THREAD - Olivia Ann May - Fashion Textiles BA (Hons)

ARTS THREAD - Olivia Ann May - Fashion Textiles BA (Hons)

Texprint Competiton

I have entered my portfolio into a competition, here is a link to my online portfolio.

"World's oldest supermodel" showcases Middlesex talent

More Publicity!!

You’re never too old to be a supermodel - Fashion - Life & Style - Evening Standard

You’re never too old to be a supermodel - Fashion - Life & Style - Evening Standard


A bit of Publicity!

So the uni PR team contacted me and wanted to write my story, I think the fact that Daphne was getting a lot of publicity at the time was really helping me out. So the Hendon times wrote a story on my collection before the show.

The week leading up to the show was a real buzz, I had my garment pretty much finished. I sorted out the shoes, flat because the ladies aren't comfortable in heels, I got simple black sandles which i spray painted light pink then added pink glitter to the base. I also made a selection of very blingy beaded rings.
I feel the show stopper of my collection would have to be a tasselled jacket. Each tassel has been handmade by myself and some unsuspecting friends, and although it has taken a huge amount of time i am so pleased with it.
Jan, 73 years old.
Daphne, 83 years old.
Pam, 62 years old.
My collection was coming along quite nicely at this point, I was almost a bit ahead of the game as I knew I had a lot of embellishing to do on top of the completed garments. After several discussions with tutors it was discussed how fantastic it would be to have older models to walk for me in the internal show. I researched loads of london based model agencies. One being Models1, on there books they had a lady called Daphne Selfe and another called Jan De Villeneuve. Then from Ugly Models, i booked a lady called Pam Lucas. So I had three wonderful models to wear my collection. Fabulous.
More Samples

Using cording techniques and fringing.

After playing around with my prints, embellishing them with tassels, beads and more embroidery it became clear that my collection was becoming very decorative and colour and texture are key. This worked in my favour as it meant my silhouettes were simple in comparison. In the for front of my mind was that fact that i wanted this collection to be suitable for mature women, so longer sleeves, hemlines and higher necklines were all a must.
So it is safe to say my blog has been rather ignored the past couple of months, I can only blame it on the manic-ness! Loads has happened but I shall start from the beginning.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


So to add a bit of excitement to my prints i am working on top of them. I have also noticed how specifically my new muse Iris and all her friends wear a lot in the way of jewellery and embellishment.

I have lazercut some shapes from the interiors of the houses used in my first staged of research in acrylic and attached them simply to a cord to create an oversized necklace. 

Age is Beauty.

So there they are the foundations of this project! I also have a number of images of similar women from the Advanced Style blog.

Ari Seth Cohen is based in New York and photographs these fashionable women every day. It is a constant source of inspiration and is perfect for the concept of my project. Here are some sketchbook pages to show you how I am using these women to transform my prints and fashion designs.

Lynn Dell - Countess of Glamour.

78 years old.

Iris Apfel.

91 years old.

A New Year.

I am a little late in regards to wishing you a new year, but I know that this start to January has also bought a new starting point for my project. After writing my dissertation draft over christmas it changed my whole outlook on my current project. I was looking into Ageism within fashion, specifically how inspiring I find women who dress well over the age of 60 but how hardly any designers have no focus on these mature women. After 5000 words I realised I didn't want to be one of these designers. So now, I have started a new sketchbook that focuses on dressing older women. My final collection will be designed for women over the age of 60. In am taking particular inspiration from some 'older' fashion icons.


We had a week printing time in Printworks studio, Brixton just before heading home for christmas. I found it really helpful to work in a studio like this, and if they continue to get funding I will happily work here after my degree. The actual printing went really well too, I managed to create about 70-80 prints. However this was almost a hinderance when it came to the editing process. I found my prints were getting a little repetitive, so in terms of final prints I still have a way to go. I am also keen to really work on top of the samples with beading or embroidery to add some more texture to them.